Tuesday 14 December 2010

Dictionary addenda

Photography is in my heartà san tchèr content = having one's fill of, as much as one likes

This expression turns up in a number of writings by George d'La Forge:
  • ...ch'est mangnifique dé pouver l'pâler à man tchèr content auve Madanme Triggs
  • ...eune nouvelle profêssion tchi pouôrrait m'empêchi d'viagi à man tchèr content
  • Auprès tch'il' eûdrent bu et mangi à lus tchèr content...
  • A la pliaiche dé les laîssi mordre à lus tchèr content...
However it's difficult to look up in the Dictionnaire Jersiais-Français - it's not under content, and there's no entry for tchèr. A version of this idiom is tucked away under tchoeu, but not precisely this form. It gives en aver san tchoeu content - with en aver san tchèr content as a Les Landes dialectal form. The meaning is evidently "to one's heart's content".

Since tchoeu/tchèr is a dialectal difference, it should also be consultable under à san tchoeu content.

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